English: Press Release

Press Release

music events focusing on peace and reconciliation
The organisation Opera Concert for Peace promotes peacekeeping understanding and reconciliation among peoples through opera, music, art and culture aiming at the peaceful conflict containment and at preparing the path towards a secure future, especially for the youth and our children that will shape our common future. The organisation Opera Concert for Peace is convinced that intolerance, oppression, violence, aggression, racism, extremism and terrorism threaten international peace jeopardizing irretrievable values of our civilization. Opera Concert for Peace wants to show the enormous importance of peace and the related important living conditions and opportunities for children and young people and claims for the latter in non-violent ways.

 Our campaign ‚Show the right way – wave the flag‘ started in summer 2014: A significant section of the groundwork.
Permanent foci of crisis and conflicts germinating across the world, causing thousands upon thousands of innocent victims urge to rethink. Not only talk, but action! This is the mission statement of our organization, ‘Opera Concert for Peace ‚. The call for peace is not an easy task; it is a life task for all those who honestly stand behind it. With our action, „Show the right way-wave the flag!“ we not only want to address people living in conflict zones. Let us set an example also here in our country, let us show those poor adults and their innocent children, who are trying to survive in the hell of crisis areas, that we stand with them.
We stand with those who sleep tonight without the guarantee of a tomorrow, a hardly conceivable situation. Let us face our responsibility as human beings towards disadvantaged people and let us not look away! Let all of us jointly show character, backbone and strength of will. Let us all be a role model for our children and our youth. As responsible people we should not allow war to become a permanent part of everyday life.
Let us stand up and wave the white flag for peace! That is why we seek dialogue to end the war and violence immediately.

Hubert Paul Kuchar

Press Release/Pdf file/ Salzburg Cathedral